everyone do syas tat holiday is to relax.. but now things changes.. last time when i was a lil kid,i used to thought holiday is da bestest thing in my life.. yeah.. it does.. but rite now.. grown up.. holiday is my working time.. and im same wif elisa too.. alwiz fong fei kei.. well.. juz so sorry lar to SIAU YEAN,AMANDA & ELISA.. i broke my promise.. cos my mum man's power x cukup.. so i hav no choice.. and help her lor.. and guys. i oso have no time to go shopping.. now is 16 DEC d.. and all my clothes... is flying away as time passes.. so sum tong..
&today while working.. there's a group.. 2 girls 2 boys.. came and ate... tis customer says sumthg which embarassed herself and make me feel she so low levell.. she was.. how come they didnt give us soup spoon to drink the soup.. i really wanted to laugh at her but i didnt do it lar.. thn her fren told her we dun use spoon to drink.. its japanese sytle.. thn she pulak say sushi king got give leh.. her guy fren straightly say sushi king is different lar.. i was like hello.. are u trying to compare tis shop wif sushi king.. sushi king is more to modern sytle.. but tis shop is traditional.. aiks aiks aiks..
& finish work d.. bro gf bought my mum and bro burger from carls jr. i didnt ate da burger but i ate da french fries... my god.. tell u wat.. those who really know me i dun really eat french fries especially mc one cos i hate da smelll... makes me feel dizzy nor feeling like wanna throw out.. but tis carls jr. fries was total diff.. mayb cos da price oso very diff.. and there written naturally cut and so.. im loving it.. tis is my very first time fall in love wif this fries... super duper tasty...and they give us da chilli sauce.. combine together.. perfect!!
&im kinda looking forward for 2moro.. cos mich might be coming to my house and stay for one night.. and wed might be going to shopping.. hopefully she can come to my house lar..
tats all for today..