hello peeps. this is just another short update to revive my blog.. it seems to be kinda dead.. since im not blogging much lately.. first im quite busy.. exam is around da corner and so i chall start my revision..or else im gonna get an egg for my family. i dun wan tat to happen!!
hmm mum and dad went to jb to visit my grandma who recently admitted into hospital. dad said she is ok now.. face is kinda blushy d. and my mum is gonna send her to nursery home.. not abandon her! dun think the wrong way! juz tat my grandma really need someone who can really take care of her. fyi, she is now eating thru a tube.. not mouth anymore. so the nursery home has nurses to take care of her. plus, my uncle have diabetes and high blood pressure. he is no longer able to take good care of my grandma. i think he took care of my grandma for 10 years. and he is still single.. wat a big sacrifice! and recently, he injured himself in an acident. mum said is due to he worried too much bout my grandma and suddenly bang! he went into the big longkang! u know diabetes ppl cant afford to have wound. its very hard for them to heal. so hopefully the wound will heal asap! god bless my grandma and my dear uncle!
i miss mua mama and papa! they will be back tonite! *cheers*
yuki xoxo