at my tuition downstairs only...
i cant praise the mamak restaurant lar...
services is bad...
food not nice at all.. (tao kung gum liew)
but thn my dad ordered da mee goreng biasa kinda nice o...
back home jor...
not yet 5 mins oso..
elisa called me and asked my wanna go to her house help her waste chair and others or not...
thn i say ok lur...
walking to elisa house tat time saw chee chong and his fren...
ya lor...
talk bout chee chong and his fren...
today early morning be4 i go to tuition...
i was so shocked why i saw chee chong ,min kit and sum others...
i was like wat da... how come u guys at here de??
but thn no chance wanna talkk wif them cos gotta go tuition...
ok...back to walking to elisa house tat time...
chee chong asked me wahhh....walk so sing ku ar??
thn his fren all oso look at me...
reach elisa house jor..
i asked elisa..wei,let thm come to ur house play lar...
thn elisa say harr...
ok... sudah masuk rumah elisa
start wash chair...
its water time...
keep on playing water....
half way i start to hatchii....
thn hatchii hatchiii...
irritate me so much...
hatchii non-stop...
finish wash all da chair jor..
play ping pong..
first first play dun really know cos its been a long time didnt play jor...
play play play...
so fun!!!
love it~~
ok... tired jor..
go upstairs play comp...
thn elisa go fetch sin jo..
left me alone play comp..
ntg much to do oso..
hear song lor...
see picha lor...
sin jo and elisa back jor...
start to see leng lui picha...
and keep on say make up thingy *fashion thingy oso*
thn sien jor..
go downstair play ping pong again...
elisa keep on saying...wei juz now u play not like tis de wor...
thn i say of course lar...
pro d ma... i rmb back jor ma... *perasan-ing*
5 sumthg elisa and sin jo follow me go back house...
take bath and bla bla bla...
6pm i guess...
go back to elisa house...
wait forr elisa bath.
thn eat..
super duper full...
today finally can find a fren who can eat more thn me jor ...
was juz so full...
full till cant stand up straight ...
so delicious leh those food tat cooked by elisa's grandma
but thn dunno why... elisa juz keep on bad mood nia...
so scaryyy ...>.<
x lama,bd girl cut cake.
choc ice-cream cake.
not bad wor.
finish eat jor
went to playground~~
play badminton...see-saw..swing ar??
and took lots of picha...
here are da picha :-
emo-ing?? moody-ing??
snap tis while she looking at me...
jojo acting emo??
can u see me??
elisa de drawing... :)
bd girl de cake...
da bd girl...cindy^^
all PEACE!!
see how happy she is...
me and elisa :)
me and tis xiao didi...dunno wat name *psps*
funny?? weird?? siao??
jojo,why u so tall de ar??? titanic.. boleh nampak saya x??
oh my... ur legs are so smelly...
i look weird. rite??
we look like kissing rite?? actually we arent kissing each other...juz acting~~
trying to act emo but failed. become look boring nia =="
jo kinda succeed acting emo. rite?? x)
jo and me :)
3 of us together :]
elisa. me. jojo.
jo and da flower??
me and yellowish de flower??
arent tis pose sexy?? hehe. of course ler.. jojo and me teach teacher to pose like tis de wor... *perasan-ing*
me and camry?? cant see me rite?? TT
jojo and camry??
elisa and jack jack.. *forgot wanna take picha wif jack jack ar*
tats all furr today.
have lots of fun.
tq ya elisa for inviting me...
though u moody..but still fun^^
enjoying life yuki,
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